Caring for Your Garden After a Typhoon: Recovery Tips

Typhoons are a common occurrence in Hong Kong, often leaving gardens damaged by heavy winds and rain. After a storm, it’s important to take the right steps to help your garden recover and thrive again. At Lobatio, we provide professional garden recovery services to restore your green space after a typhoon. Visit us for more information.

1. Assess the Damage

Before starting any recovery work, assess the condition of your garden. Check for broken branches, uprooted plants, or waterlogged areas. Prioritize removing debris and checking for safety hazards, such as damaged trees that could fall or large branches that need to be pruned.

2. Prune Damaged Plants

Cut back any broken or damaged branches from trees, shrubs, and plants. Pruning helps reduce stress on the plants and prevents further damage. Be sure to use clean, sharp tools to make clean cuts and avoid spreading disease. If plants are uprooted, gently replant them, ensuring the roots are properly buried and stabilized.

3. Improve Drainage

After a typhoon, waterlogged soil can suffocate plant roots. If your garden is flooded, improve drainage by loosening the soil around your plants to help water flow away. Avoid walking on wet soil, as it can become compacted and make drainage worse.

4. Nourish and Revive

Once your garden is cleared, nourish your plants with a slow-release fertilizer to help them regain strength. Mulching the soil will also help retain moisture and protect the roots from further damage.

For professional garden recovery services and expert advice, contact Lobatio. Let us help you restore your garden to its full beauty after a storm.

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